PORTABLE Tea Biscuit by Barbara Morgenroth (Goodreads Author) pc free original full link

PORTABLE Tea Biscuit by Barbara Morgenroth (Goodreads Author) pc free original full link

PORTABLE Tea Biscuit by Barbara Morgenroth (Goodreads Author) pc free original full link

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Book description
Spring has arrived and with it new horses, new challenges and old adversaries. As Talia’s birthday approaches, her way forward is less certain than Greer’s vision of her future. No matter how much Greer takes on, she manages to handle all of it, from the Ambassador of Good Cheer to organizing a horse show. Unfortunately, Greer can’t manage Cam as easily. What Lockie has avoided saying for months can’t go unsaid any longer and he chooses to have the talk after her eighteenth birthday party. Talia’s first question is “Are you leaving?”
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