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PORTABLE Taste Lithuania by Beata Nicholson torrent finder value tablet free

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Book description
Taste Lithuania - the latest book from Beata Nicholson - and now in ENGLISH. Cooking for family and friends is pure joy for Beata, a Lithuanian-born journalist who turned her passion for food prepared with love and kindness into a career. After working as a presenter for Lithuanian television, she met her future husband, Tom Nicholson, and moved to London. She enjoyed all of the exciting cuisines the city has to offer. She began writing a food blog, and she studied at Leiths School of Food and Wine. Fast forward eight years: Today Beata and her family are back in Lithuania. She is a best-selling author of five cook books in Lithuanian, and she hosts a widely viewed TV cooking show. Taste Lithuania is her first book in English. It is a love letter to her husband, to her mother-in-law, and to all of her English-speaking friends. This book is about the essence of Lithuanian home cooking. It is an invitation to discover Lithuania through its enduring culinary traditions. With these essential recipes, you will learn to make dishes that have been cherished by generations.
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