PORTABLE Tangent: Supermans Reign Vol. 1 by Dan Jurgens touch page link read via

PORTABLE Tangent: Supermans Reign Vol. 1 by Dan Jurgens touch page link read via

PORTABLE Tangent: Supermans Reign Vol. 1 by Dan Jurgens touch page link read via

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Book description
Located on a parallel Earth where a series of events altered the evolution of super heroes from that of the regular DC Universe, the Tangent characters exist as slight deviations on well-known DCU favorites.The Tangent Earth and regular DC Universe collide when the Tangent Superman deems himself dictator of his world! Can the combined power of heroes from two different realities take down one of the most extraordinary beings in all the cosmos? And what caused Tangent Superman to take over his world in the first place? Its a mega-battle filled with team-ups and face-offs you never thought youd see!
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