PORTABLE Tales Out of Shul: The Unorthodox Journal of an Orthodox Rabbi by Emanuel Feldman spanish touch direct link free iphone

PORTABLE Tales Out of Shul: The Unorthodox Journal of an Orthodox Rabbi by Emanuel Feldman spanish touch direct link free iphone

PORTABLE Tales Out of Shul: The Unorthodox Journal of an Orthodox Rabbi by Emanuel Feldman spanish touch direct link free iphone

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Book description

Book description
This is the memoir of an Orthodox pulpit rabbi in that great era of American Jewish assimilation, the 1950s. Its an interesting read, though downright bitter in certain parts. The author certainly doesnt toot his own horn; if anything, hes mourning his lack of success. But I happen to know that his son took over the shul after him, and its the biggest Orthodox shul in Atlanta today. I have no doubt thats due to the fathers accomplishments as much as the sons. So overall, its a memorable book. The chapter called Can This Sermon Be Deleted? is pretty funny, and theres an excellent insight into Moshe and Aharon and their respective roles as leaders. But the chapter called Goodbye, God, Im Going Home Now, says it all. Kiruv can be pretty discouraging.
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