PORTABLE Suffer the Flesh by Monica J. O'Rourke (Goodreads Author) ipad purchase pocket ebook book

PORTABLE Suffer the Flesh by Monica J. O'Rourke (Goodreads Author) ipad purchase pocket ebook book

PORTABLE Suffer the Flesh by Monica J. O'Rourke (Goodreads Author) ipad purchase pocket ebook book

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Book description
Zoey Masterson didnt know what pain was before, but shes learning fast. Kidnapped off the Manhattan streets and whisked away from the safe, normal world she once knew, she finds herself the victim of one reprehensible mans vision. Forced to witness the depravities of the seedy underworld where lust, rape, torture and mutilation are a way of life, stripped of clothing, pride, and spirit, Zoey must play their games, bear their torture -- but for how long? Somehow she must learn to survive the daily perversions . . . but how can Zoey survive? How could anyone? Somewhere between ecstasy and pain -- learn to SUFFER THE FLESH.
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