PORTABLE Shingebiss: An Ojibwe Legend by Nancy Van Laan (Retelling) free full version reader audio link

PORTABLE Shingebiss: An Ojibwe Legend by Nancy Van Laan (Retelling) free full version reader audio link

PORTABLE Shingebiss: An Ojibwe Legend by Nancy Van Laan (Retelling) free full version reader audio link

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Book description
Shingebiss, a little merganser duck, can always find plenty to eat. In all seasons, the Great Lake is full of fish. But one cold year the lake freezes over, and Shingebiss has to find a way to fish through the thick ice. To do that, he must face the fierce Winter Maker. Gracefully told and illustrated with vigorous woodcuts, this ancient Ojibwe story captures all the power of winter and all the courage of a small being who refuses to see winter as his enemy. This sacred story shows that those who follow the ways of Shingebiss will always have plenty to eat, no matter how hard the great wind of Winter Maker blows.
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