PORTABLE Sex with The Guitarist (The "Sex With" Series) by Jenna James look eng full story read

PORTABLE Sex with The Guitarist (The "Sex With" Series) by Jenna James look eng full story read

PORTABLE Sex with The Guitarist (The "Sex With" Series) by Jenna James look eng full story read

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Book description

Book description
Jen, a girl singer, really fancies the guitarist in one of her favorite local rock and roll acts. She loves his strength and passion, not to mention his body, but he has lots of female admirers and never really shows any special interest in her.She desperately wants her all to himself so sets out to make him a little jealous. A friend decides that the best way to get his attention is for them to make out right in front of him at his next gig. The curtains open and there in the front row beneath him are two girls getting it on together whilst all the while giving him the come on with their soft but intensely sensual gazes directly up at him. Initially shocked, he soon become aroused at the notion of having both of them together....
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