PORTABLE Semper Fidelis by Ruth Downie (Goodreads Author) francais get link library free

PORTABLE Semper Fidelis by Ruth Downie (Goodreads Author) francais get link library free

PORTABLE Semper Fidelis by Ruth Downie (Goodreads Author) francais get link library free

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Book description
Book 5 in my tour of the life of Ruso and Tilla. Its a rollercoaster ride, for sure. Ive followed Ruso and his slave/housekeeper/girlfriend/wife from Chester to Northumberland, to the south of France, then London, and now to York. Its like a pit-stop tour of some of my favourite places guided by two of my favourite characters and penned by one of my favourite writers.If you dont know how much I love Ruths books by now then youre clearly new to the blog. The Ruso mysteries are at the very top level of their genre - atmospheric, elegantly-plotted, immersively historical and delivered with rich prose. And yet also truly human tales, shot through with a sense of humour that never fails to make me smile and occasionally with deeper pathos. Ruso is not so much hapless as unlucky. He is skilled and clever and full of innovation, and yet regularly makes rather critical mistakes and finds himself in a mess. Tilla is practical and sensible and yet prone to headstrong decisions that show little forethought. Together they should be able to tackle any problem and yet more often than not they cause each other problems and worsen the situation exponentially. It makes for really engaging reading.In Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful, the motto of the US Marine Corps) we are brought to York as Ruso joins a small unit of the 20th legion who are there training recruits as they await the arrival of the 6th legion, who will be based there shortly. Ruso is back with the army now after his brief foray into the world of fiscal investigation, and the army is the focus of this book. For in York (Eboracum), the largely empty fortress has played host to native British legionary trainees, martinet centurions, beleaguered medics and desperate camp-followers. And a series of accidents and incidents that are believed to be a result of the curse on the unit point- to a clever investigator, anyway - to brutal and unacceptable behaviour on the part of the training officers.Ruso and Tilla finds their selves delving into the incidents that have taken place and uncovering unpleasant truths within the army and landing their selves in deep trouble, which is only compounded all the more when the emperor Hadrian, his wife Sabina, and a unit of Praetorians arrive rather unexpectedly. Ruso knows Hadrian of old, since long before he came to power. You might think he could count on an old comrade to look after him. You might think that....Semper Fidelis is yet again a beautiful offering from the pen of Ruth Downie and deserves to be read and enjoyed by all.Oh, and the dog bite... Heh heh heh.Go read it folks. Its a treat.
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