PORTABLE Secrets of Ancient and Sacred Places: The Worlds Mysterious Heritage by Paul Devereux free store eng pc online

PORTABLE Secrets of Ancient and Sacred Places: The Worlds Mysterious Heritage by Paul Devereux free store eng pc online

PORTABLE Secrets of Ancient and Sacred Places: The Worlds Mysterious Heritage by Paul Devereux free store eng pc online

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Book description
This unique book provides a new perspective on the past, and reveals how sights we all know, and which are universally recognised, still retain and reveal to us the old knowledge of our world and our ancestors. In our march of progress we have gained untold material wealth, but certain vital aspects of being human, conscious and part of nature seem to have slipped from our grasp. Guidelines that might help our future way, ironically, lie in the past. In short, we need to discover the secrets of ancient and sacred places. Paul Devereux takes a refreshing look at the often hidden, ignored or often overlooked aspects of selected major sites world-wide that, significantly, UNESCO - the cultural agency of the United Nations - has also included in its world heritage list of important natural or cultural sites.
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