PORTABLE Russia in the Age of Peter the Great by Lindsey Hughes review reading pdf read sale

PORTABLE Russia in the Age of Peter the Great by Lindsey Hughes review reading pdf read sale

PORTABLE Russia in the Age of Peter the Great by Lindsey Hughes review reading pdf read sale

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Book description
Peter the Great revitalized Russia; he attempted to modernize the country by creating a new capital (named, appropriately enough, St. Petersburg) and founding a navy, while at the same time restoring the centuries-old practices of artistocratic privilege and serfdom. Russia in the Age of Peter the Great examines the contradictions inherent in Peters rule while simultaneously looking at the social conditions -- from the arts to the all-drunken assembly -- that characterized his tenure. Russia in the Age of Peter the Great shows how one man revitalized a huge nation, and how that country responded to his sometimes controversial leadership.
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