PORTABLE Reforming Fundamentalism: Fuller Seminary and the New Evangelicalism by George M. Marsden how download online link reader read

PORTABLE Reforming Fundamentalism: Fuller Seminary and the New Evangelicalism by George M. Marsden how download online link reader read

PORTABLE Reforming Fundamentalism: Fuller Seminary and the New Evangelicalism by George M. Marsden how download online link reader

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Book description
You cant really rival George Marsden when it comes to understanding the makings of modern conservative Christianity. Thoughtful, engaging, and erudite, this book obviously bears the marks of the great historian.While history books can have a reputation for being dry, Reforming Fundamentalism is none of that. In fact, it reads like a novel. Marsden shows his skill as a master story teller.Reforming Fundamentalism is the story of the founding of Evangelicalism, centering around the movements main institution (Fuller Seminary) and the crew of brilliant minds teaching there during its first several years of operation. The seminary and its followers attempted to achieve acceptance in the academy and maintain orthodox convictions, but they felt they could only accomplish this through distancing themselves from the more strident forms of Fundamentalism and infiltrating liberal denominations with their graduates. To attain acceptance in the academy, Fuller struggled, and at times, refused, to anchor itself with a firm statement of beliefs. Unfortunately for the institution, that lack of anchor drifted it into rocky waters such as the inerrancy, thus creating a rift in Evangelicalism.One weakness this book shows is using only Fuller to understand the larger Evangelicalism. Fuller has strong Reformed/Princeton roots, as Marsden points out. However, at several places Marsden seems to read these institutional roots into the larger Evangelicalism. This reductionism simply does not explain all the facts. If a Reformed heritage was the only background of Evangelicalism, why was Leslie R. Marston, a Free Methodist bishop, an early NAE leader? Why were Mennonites and First Wave Pentecostals among the original members of the NAE? While a Reformed background is a strong (probably the strongest) motif in early Evangelicalism, it is too simplistic to read that into the whole movement.
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