PORTABLE Reading for Understanding: A Guide to Improving Reading in Middle and High School Classrooms by Ruth Schoenbach spanish download information eng book

PORTABLE Reading for Understanding: A Guide to Improving Reading in Middle and High School Classrooms by Ruth Schoenbach spanish download information eng book

PORTABLE Reading for Understanding: A Guide to Improving Reading in Middle and High School Classrooms by Ruth Schoenbach spanish…

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Book description
Published in Partnership with WestEd A breath of fresh air! After reminding us that any teacher who puts a book in front of a student is a reading teacher, the authors give us a teacher-tested reading course for middle and high school students. They avoid the baloney in the present reading debates by paying attention to actual students. What they propose is an apprenticeship in using a tool kit for problem solving in reading. The tool kit itself is a combination of cognitive and social dimensions embedded in subjects. And, lo and behold, they can point to actual results.--Miles Myers, former executive director, National Council of Teachers of English Reading for Understanding should be in the hands of teachers, principals, superintAndents, curriculum coordinators, school board members, state educational leaders, university professors, and teachers in training. Engaging, to the point, and grounded in research, this book shares current work in progress, possible stumbling blocks, ideas to overcome them, and specific strategies with detailed examples. Most middle and high school teachers have little or no teaching reading training. It is not too late and this book is a great start.--Judy Cunningham, principal, South Lake Middle School, Irvine, California Easy to follow and filled with examples of student work and classroom lessons, Reading for Understanding offers a successful approach to helping students improve their literacy across all subject areas. It shows how to create classroom reading apprenticeships to help students build reading comprehension skills and relate what they read to a larger knowledge base. It also discusses the strategies and support systems needed to implement and evaluate reading apprenticeship programs throughout the school. The authors describe a program in which an entire freshman class in one urban high school increased its average reading scores by more than two years. Piloted in San Francisco, the groundbreaking Academic Literacy program proved that it was not too late for teachers and students to work together in boosting literacy, engagement, and achievement.
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