PORTABLE Pursuit of Justice by Robert F. Kennedy online kindle ios shop offline

PORTABLE Pursuit of Justice by Robert F. Kennedy online kindle ios shop offline

PORTABLE Pursuit of Justice by Robert F. Kennedy online kindle ios shop offline

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Book description
One of those books I stumbled upon in the basement of the Temple of Justice, looking for something else entirely. Not as profoundly unsettling as the last book I stumbled over, Bill Kunstler’s Deep in my Heart (which made me cry) but still itchy. Not a deep text, but a sincere one. A book by a man of real power, justifying its use. He talks about prosecuting Jimmy Hoffa segues it nicely to the problem of power in general: “The case heightens the awareness of the dangers of power without purpose, of power sought and used merely for the sake of power, of power as pure self-indulgence. But one can go too far in reaction and conclude that all power is evil and that no human can be so entrusted. If we really believed this, we would have to abandon social life altogether. The real problem of power, of the concentration of power, is not its existence, because we cannot wish it away. The problem of power is how to achieve its responsible use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use – of how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public.” (6). That could be written today. As could his discussion about public defense. And his discussion of the government’s responsibility to eradiate poverty. And his discussion of the uprisings in Eastern Europe against oppressive governments. And his frank acknowledgement of the fact that “Far too often, for narrow, tactical reasons, this country has associated itself with tyrannical and unpopular regimes that had no following and no future. Over the past twenty years we have paid dearly because of support given to colonial rulers, cruel dictators or ruling cliques void of social purpose.” (136). Though it’s hard to imagine the Attorney General of the United States writing, as he did: “I mean no criticism of prosecutors or professors or policemen on either side of this debate. But I do mean to condemn the emotional obstacles all of us have allowed to develop, obstacles which block intelligent, and perhaps even fruitful, appraisals of the problem. . . . . Wiretapping is a subject of deepest concern to me. I do not believe in it. But I also believe we must recognize that there are two sides to the argument.” (100). A quick read. Worth the time.
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