PORTABLE Phantom Phantasia: Poetry for the Phantom of the Opera Phan by E.A. Bucchianeri (Goodreads Author) cheap eReader page online audio

PORTABLE Phantom Phantasia: Poetry for the Phantom of the Opera Phan by E.A. Bucchianeri (Goodreads Author) cheap eReader page online audio

PORTABLE Phantom Phantasia: Poetry for the Phantom of the Opera Phan by E.A. Bucchianeri (Goodreads Author) cheap eReader page online

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Book description
The Opera Ghost really existed, Gaston Leroux declared, introducing the world to his most famous literary character, the Phantom of the Opera. The legendary Opera Ghost continues to live in the hearts of Phans dedicated to Lerouxs tale of mystery, passion and unrequited love. Phantom Phantasia by E.A. Bucchianeri is a poetical celebration of the enigmatic masked genius haunting the depths of the Paris Opera house. A collection of twenty poems varying in style from the serious to the comic, each poem is richly illustrated with vintage images in addition to artwork, photographs and original colour plates designed by the author evoking the elegant Belle Epoque days of Paris. For a FREE preview, click Download eBook next to the book details here, orCLICK here for a Free preview on Academia.edu
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