PORTABLE Once Burned by Peter David no registration read macbook full sale

PORTABLE Once Burned by Peter David no registration read macbook full sale

PORTABLE Once Burned by Peter David no registration read macbook full sale

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Theres a bar called The Captains Table, where those who have commanded mighty vessels of every shape and era can meet, relax, and share a friendly drink or two with others of their calling. Sometimes a brawl may break out but its all in the family, more or less. Just remember, the first round of drinks is always paid for with a story...even in Thallonian space. Six years ago, long before he took command of the Starship Excalibur, a young Starfleet officer named Mackenzie Calhoun served as first officer aboard the U.S.S. Grissom. Then disaster struck, and Calhoun took the blame. A court-martial led to his own angry resignation from Starfleet...or so it appeared. At long last Captain Calhoun reveals the true story behind the greatest tragedy of his life.
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