PORTABLE On Loving Women by Diane Obomsawin page reader itunes read touch

PORTABLE On Loving Women by Diane Obomsawin page reader itunes read touch

PORTABLE On Loving Women by Diane Obomsawin page reader itunes read touch

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Book description
On Loving Women is in turns wistful, sexy, goofy, bittersweet, frank, and adorable. Diane Obomsawins deceptively simple lifework and straightforward writing style capture the breathless sweetness of holding another girls hand for the first time, and the happy, lusty intimacy of a virginity-ending, drunken threesome. Delightful.—Ellen Forney, author of Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and MeIntimate vignettes of women coming outOn Loving Women is a new collection of stories about coming out, first love, and sexual identity by the animator Diane Obomsawin. With this work, Obomsawin brings her gaze to bear on subjects closer to home—her friends and lovers personal accounts of realizing theyre gay or first finding love with another woman. Each story is a master class in reaching the emotional truth of a situation with the simplest means possible. Her stripped-down pages use the bare minimum of linework to expressively reveal heartbreak, joy, irritation, and fear.On Loving Women focuses primarily on adolescence—crushes on high school teachers, awkwardness on first dates—but also addresses much deeper-seated difficulties of being out: fears of rejection and of not being who others want one to be. Within these pages, Obomsawin has forged a poignant, powerful narrative that speaks to the difficulties of coming out and the joys of being loved.
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