PORTABLE No Babysitters Allowed by Amber Stewart buy amazon bookstore download epub

PORTABLE No Babysitters Allowed by Amber Stewart buy amazon bookstore download epub

PORTABLE No Babysitters Allowed by Amber Stewart buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
Hopscotch is a bunny that many young kids can relate to, as he bravely overcomes many of the same things children may encounter, except when it comes to the babysitter! Hopscotch decides to build a No Babysitters Allowed camp to hide in, which is something I actually remember doing as a child myself! I think many kids could relate to this story and the feelings that Hopscotch may be having when his parents leave. In the end, Hopscotch is brave and befriends his babysitter, realizing itt not so bad to have someone to play with. This encouraging story could help to reassure young children when they are dealing with something new or unfamiliar in their own lives. A lot to be learned from a bunny named Hopscotch!
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