PORTABLE Nicholas by Elizabeth Amber (Goodreads Author) free writer original german reader

PORTABLE Nicholas by Elizabeth Amber (Goodreads Author) free writer original german reader

PORTABLE Nicholas by Elizabeth Amber (Goodreads Author) free writer original german reader

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Book description
HE HAD SWORN TO TAKE A PROPER WIFE.HE HADNT BARGAINED ON MEETING HIS MATCH ...Nicholas looks very much like what he is --- the handsome, successful heir to a vineyard in Tuscany. But Nicholas is much more, for he is one of the last in an ancient line of satyr men. And the dying king of ElseWorld wants him not only to marry, but to wed one of the kings own daughters --- a half-human, half-faerie woman unaware of her heritage. Nicholas wont shirk his duty to produce heirs to guard his races legacies, but he never plans to make his bride his only lover. A satyrs sexual hunger and sensual skills are legendary. One woman will never satisfy him.Or so Nicholas believes until he meets Jane. As spirited as she is fey, as beautiful as she is innocent, she is nevertheless determined to make her new husband hers alone --- and she is eager for him to teach her every deliciously carnal secret he knows ...
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