PORTABLE Niccolinis Song by Chuck Wilcoxen ebay acquire selling free reader

PORTABLE Niccolinis Song by Chuck Wilcoxen ebay acquire selling free reader

PORTABLE Niccolinis Song by Chuck Wilcoxen ebay acquire selling free reader

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Book description
Niccolini is no ordinary night watchman in the train yard. He has a special talent: he can sing overwrought locomotives to sleep. Before long, parents get wind of Niccolinis skill and bring their crying babies, sleepless children, and barking dogs to the rail yard, hoping to soothe them into slumber. But how will Niccolinis gentle song be heard in all this racket? Gorgeously brought to life with dramatic oil paintings, Niccolinis Song is music so sweet, and a story so comforting, even the most restless young listeners will drift off to peaceful dreams.
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