PORTABLE New Historicism & Cultural Materialism: A Reader by Kiernan Ryan (Editor) read italian buy touch direct link

PORTABLE New Historicism & Cultural Materialism: A Reader by Kiernan Ryan (Editor) read italian buy touch direct link

PORTABLE New Historicism & Cultural Materialism: A Reader by Kiernan Ryan (Editor) read italian buy touch direct link

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Book description
New Historicism and Cultural Materialism have become two of the most powerful and appealing movements in modern criticism. Their conquest of Renaissance studies has escalated into global colonisation of English and American literary history. A wealth of innovative work has emerged on everything from the Canterbury Tales to the Cantos, bringing intense theoretical controversy in its wake. This Reader pulls the diversity and polemical vigour of this new critical constellation into focus for the first time. The introduction identifies the distinctive concerns of both approaches, unpacks their theoretical assumptions and clarifies their chief points of convergence and antagonism. It offers a sympathetic but sceptical perspective on Cultural Materialism and New Historicism, highlighting their blindspots as well as applauding their insights, and searching out the points where they seem poised to move beyond the limits of their own methodologies. The selection itself unfolds in three stages. The
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