PORTABLE Nazism and the Working Class in Austria: Industrial Unrest and Political Dissent in the National Community by Tim Kirk download mobi

PORTABLE Nazism and the Working Class in Austria: Industrial Unrest and Political Dissent in the National Community by Tim Kirk download mobi

PORTABLE Nazism and the Working Class in Austria: Industrial Unrest and Political Dissent in the National Community by Tim Kirk …

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Book description

Book description
The image of Hitler as a demagogic pied piper leading astray the little people of Austria is as misleading as it is powerful. Nazism and the Working Class in Austria is a case study of the ambiguous relationship between state and society under the Nazis. Workers did not seriously attempt or even expect to overthrow the Nazi regime in the face of unprecedented surveillance and terror; but neither were they converted, and their oppositional strategies and disgruntled political opinions reveal a truculent workforce, rather than one that was contented and converted.
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