PORTABLE Mensa Word Games for Kids by Robert Allen store free djvu information bookshop

PORTABLE Mensa Word Games for Kids by Robert Allen store free djvu information bookshop

PORTABLE Mensa Word Games for Kids by Robert Allen store free djvu information bookshop

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Book description
This book of puzzles for wordsmith kids is sure to provide hours of entertainment. Provided in a variety of formats and levels of difficulty, the puzzles were created by Mensa experts aiming to test and stimulate the minds of young students. Specifically geared towards children who are skillful with words, this book will appeal to enthusiastic readers and writers who want an interactive way to read. Recommended for children with strong word skills, ages 8 and up, great for both school and home use.Tags: nonfiction, word games, ages 8 and up, Mensa, brain teasers, puzzles
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