PORTABLE Melting Shadows by Rhea Rhodan (Goodreads Author) read eReader mp3 how to portable

PORTABLE Melting Shadows by Rhea Rhodan (Goodreads Author) read eReader mp3 how to portable

PORTABLE Melting Shadows by Rhea Rhodan (Goodreads Author) read eReader mp3 how to portable

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Book description
When fantasy and reality collide, only love can be believed. Shattered by a brutal attack and forced to flee, painfully withdrawn Dr. Prudence Marsh buries her emotions under numbing logic. For years, her escapes to a fantasy world created to survive her hellish past have been nothing more than a guilty pleasure. But when the host of the safe house turns out to be a dead ringer for her dream warrior, she fears she’s lost her precious mind along with everything else.Ex-SEAL Max Delaney has been known to dabble in a hot, delicious mess—or two, or three. He has no idea how to handle a cold, sour one. Blackmailed into babysitting Dr. Marsh in his hidden bunker while she finishes a top-secret project sucks. Until he falls for her. Then it blows. Every clue Max unravels only buys him more questions. Every step forward lands him two steps back, flat on his ass. Demons past, present, and future haunt Max and Prudence as they stumble along the twisting path to love. Merciless enemies and shifting alliances drive both to desperate measures, tumbling them over the border between shadow and substance—where each must choose what, and whom, to believe.
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