PORTABLE Marketing for Special and Academic Libraries: A Planning and Best Practices Sourcebook by Patricia Higginbottom online touch offline macbook author

PORTABLE Marketing for Special and Academic Libraries: A Planning and Best Practices Sourcebook by Patricia Higginbottom online touch offline macbook author

PORTABLE Marketing for Special and Academic Libraries: A Planning and Best Practices Sourcebook by Patricia Higginbottom online

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Book description
Here s an easy-to-follow, practical, easily-implementable, 21st-Century marketing book for academic and special libraries. Written by two practicing librarians who are passionate about communicating with users, the book provides both the inspiration and drive to market your library and practical tips and suggestions on how to do that effectively. Topics covered include: .The process of planning a marketing campaign and how some time spent on planning at the outset can help keep you focused and help you determine your level of success. .The importance of using brands and brand identity to help you establish your library s brand and market that aggressively to your users and potential users. Brand consistency is stressed here. .Marketing tools: oDigital publications, oSocial media, oVisual and print marketing materials, oPersonal interactions oEvents you can use throughout the year. For each topic, we will talk about best practices, what works, what often doesn t, and we share best concise case studies from all types of academic and special libraries.
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