PORTABLE Living In The Real Cyprus by Vic Heaney (Goodreads Author) story offline online doc finder

PORTABLE Living In The Real Cyprus by Vic Heaney (Goodreads Author) story offline online doc finder

PORTABLE Living In The Real Cyprus by Vic Heaney (Goodreads Author) story offline online doc finder

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Book description
Cyprus ticks all the boxes. Sun. Sea. Cheap food and drink. Friendly, smiling people. How would you like to live there? Is this island heaven too good to be true? Surely there can be no darker side? Is there no lingering resentment from the colonial period and the bitter and vicious guerrilla war which ended it? What happens when Vic and his wife Gay come into contact with the real Cyprus, away from the garish, overdeveloped tourist resorts? They quickly find people even more friendly and generous than in the towns, although less likely to speak English. But they also discover terrible cruelty to animals; winter weather worse than tourists are led to believe; snakes, dangerous driving and earthquakes; hunters, armed to the teeth, excited and trigger happy; institutionalised hatred between Greek and Turkish Cypriots; racism and sexual exploitation of women tricked into coming to Cyprus from abroad. Is paradise lost?
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