PORTABLE Liu Bei Seizes Xichuan (Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Volume 6) by Luo Guanzhong eng iphone cheap book download

PORTABLE Liu Bei Seizes Xichuan (Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Volume 6) by Luo Guanzhong eng iphone cheap book download

PORTABLE Liu Bei Seizes Xichuan (Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Volume 6) by Luo Guanzhong eng iphone cheap book download

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Book description

Book description
This ten-volume series is a complete pictorial rendition of Chinas foremost historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The classic by Ming Dynasty writer Luo Guanzong is based on the history of the Three Kingdoms when the states of Wei, Shu and Wu emerged from the remnants of the Han Dynasty and began to fight for power and sovereignity. It vividly depicts a series of famous battles and hundreds of historical characters in one of the most turbulent periods in Chinas long history. Though these exciting episodes happened more than 1,700 years ago, they are still remembered and loved by the Chinese. The popularity of the book has remained throughout the centuries and is part of Chinas cultural heritage. The novel has also been rendered in the performing arts as well as other literary forms.
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