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Theres a point in this book where the Executioner (basically, the Punisher) and some Mafia goons are barricaded in the same room while Cthulhu avatars, giant squids, and Miskatonic University professors are all running around outside.I think that highlights the embarrassed schizophrenia of this book.The Executioner is a series so old, its a mens fiction institution. The mob killed Mack Bolans family, and he kills the mob. If youve heard this before, its because another version of hims more popular. In the 70s, Marvel Comics was copying things left and right. Kung Fu is popular? Give them Shang Chi: The Master of Kung Fu. Blaxploitation? Luke Cage. Satanism? The Son of Satan. Mack Bolan? Why, well make . . .I read a few Executioner novels in high school. My standard back then was the violence and sex ratio of Phantom Force . . .. . . published long after Mack had killed so many mobsters that he signed up with the CIA to get more suggestions for people to shoot. Twenty years later, I dont remember anything about this .357 magnum opus except that a naked psychic woman gets decapitated in a hot tub. At fifteen, that was Dostoyevsky.So, why the hell is he fighting Cthulhu?I think its the nature of the series. A squad of ghost writers work hard to churn out Executioner novels monthly. This is a book series that you could buy a magazine-style subscription to. Theres been over seven hundred Executioner novels, and eventually one of those poor souls handcuffed to the word processor ran out of ideas and threw some Lovecraft as a Hail Mary.The hero of our book is special Agent Mallory Harmon. No, really, Mack is more of a confused spectator. Shes a tough FBI agent who starts out gunning down swamp cultists in her undies before the feds send her on an adventure. With a sarcastic Miskatonic University professor at her side, the duo is ready to star in their own series of pulpy novels I would buy the hell out of. But Mack Bolans on the cover, so he might as well come along. Theres an oil platform thats been turned into a sovereign nation of meth labs, and it must be shut down, Mack Bolan-style! Only problem is, the damn thing is surrounded by mind-controlled angry giant squids because its built right where the cult of Cthulhu needs to do some rituals. So Mack and company must infiltrate the platform undercover and . . . get captured.Seriously, Mack gets punked pretty easily, bound up, and nearly tortured. His escape takes up most of his scenes; theres staggering little he actually does here. I was stunned when I reached page 145 of an Executioner novel and Mack had only killed two people..Meanwhile, Harmon and the professor run around, get shot at, use neuorolinguistic programming as a Jedi mind trick, and pick up a thinly veiled Hunter S. Thompson as a sidekick. Seriously, Mack Bolan could have called in sick; Harmon is the real protagonist, and she even gets the cool climatic fight scene that any action movie script would assign to the lead character. She makes the jokes and gets the one-liners. She has fun with it.Theres also a weird aside plot about Macks private eye brother that reads like a 9-year-old Punisher fanatic tried to narrate the beginning of a Sam Spade novel. A gang member is force feed beer, people.Its a very Executioner kind of writing style. This book describes guns like Tolkien describes trees and George R. R. Martin describes menus.The best part about the book is the whale/squid war, though.That . . . is some of the most original, imaginative science fiction world-building Ive read all year. I was all in for the secret war between the squid and the whales the moment I read it. Sadly, we only get this perspective for about two full pages of text. Hell, reading this book was entirely worth it just to see this, and I wish it ended with an evil squid thing triple-teamed by Mack, Harmon, and a goddamned sperm whale just so I can see the good guys give a thumbs up to the whale as it swims off. Gerald Montgomery, write a damn book about the whale/squid war. It is your destiny.So . . . how was the book?Okay, lets make something clear. This is a mens adventure novel series in which a hard-jawed hero kills metric buttloads of people in ridiculous set pieces. Thats fine. Seriously, thats totally fine. I read all of the Carson Napier of Venus series, and Im currently reading Jewel of Tharn. I unabashedly love the Destroyer, and quote Chuin from the end of that movie constantly.Yes, the genre can attract some really weird politics and racial portrayals, but Im not dumping on this genre anymore than Id dump on a Big Mac. Fine cuisine exists, but sometimes I want a damn Big Mac, and there is nothing wrong with loving this type of novel.Its escapism, people, and C.S. Lewis was right when he said the only kind of people that have a problem with escaping are jailers. Given that . . . this novel is awkward. Its crammed with good ideas that never connect. Let anyone who understands the following statement hear The Executioner fights Cthulhu and theyd expect more. Theres good bits that never shake hands with each other, potential unfulfilled, and a few opportunities missed. This should be Mack Bolans Delta Green adventure, but it isnt.I really want to see Gerald Montgomery write the adventures of Agent Harmon and just throw gun porn and Lovecraft against each other.Who knows? Maybe Montgomery wrote on a strict set of house guidelines. Maybe this is all he could get past his editors, and if so, I salute you, dear sir. I see what you wanted to do and, enjoyed it, and dearly wish youd have done it a few more times. By book three in the Agent Harmon series, youd have gold on your hands.But I bet Mack Bolan rarely thinks about the one time he saw an honest-to-the-Outer-Gods Cthulhu idol. Hes got work to do. As long as people are willing to vicariously live through a guy shooting whatever kinda people are in the headline news that day, the Executioner will has work to do.And, hopefully, some day Agent Harmon will as well.
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