PORTABLE Let It Snow by Yvonne Lehman tablet mobile book djvu read

PORTABLE Let It Snow by Yvonne Lehman tablet mobile book djvu read

PORTABLE Let It Snow by Yvonne Lehman tablet mobile book djvu read

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Book description
Nancy Walker and Woodrow Lawing were friends until the night seventeen-year-old Nancy whacked Woody with a snowball and he chased her behind a tree. She kissed him and expressed her undying love, but at his age of twenty-three and being best friends with Nancys older brother, Woody didnt share Nancys teenage crush.Years passed and they went their separate ways, both believing they had been rejected by the other, but when circumstances bring them together again—Woody a bachelor and Nancy a widow—old feelings emerge. They try to revert to being just friends, yet pain from the past has lessened over time and they wonder if its really too late for love.As Christmas snowflakes fall, can miracles really happen?
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