PORTABLE It Takes A Village l: The Beginning. by Marley Claire (Goodreads Author) download txt

PORTABLE It Takes A Village l: The Beginning. by Marley Claire (Goodreads Author) download txt

PORTABLE It Takes A Village l: The Beginning. by Marley Claire (Goodreads Author) download txt

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Book description
It Takes A Village Series- Top 10 Bestselling apocalyptic erotic love story. Available *FREE* to download on kindle unlimited. After a globally devastating virus sweeps across the world, the ones that are left are trying desperately to survive and pick up the pieces. Paisley Roberts did not have it easy growing up, but the unfortunate knowledge she learned as an adolescent actually elevates her in this new world. She quickly used those skills to forge ahead, creating a place not only in the world, but in the new government controlling the land as well. However nothing is the same, including relationships. Love comes in many forms like before, but a new environment complicates the old fashioned ideas once strongly held. Will she allow emotions to cloud her judgement? Will traditional values hold up when nothing in the world is the same anymore?
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