PORTABLE Interior Design Since 1900 by Anne Massey reading access download view format

PORTABLE Interior Design Since 1900 by Anne Massey reading access download view format

PORTABLE Interior Design Since 1900 by Anne Massey reading access download view format

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Book description
From the nineteenth-century Arts and Crafts movement to the present day—from Art Nouveau, Bauhaus, the Modern Movement, and Art Deco to High-Tech and green design—every style of interior design since 1900 is charted in this wide-ranging survey. Design in the twentieth century saw many changes in direction, including the emergence of professional interior decoration and its evolution into interior design. Interiors, domestic and other, are explored and placed within their social, political, economic, and cultural context.This revised and expanded edition is brought into the twenty-first century with a new chapter on sustainable design that focuses on public spaces such as hotels, offices, factories, and shops.
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