PORTABLE Illegal Motions by Zoe Dawson (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

PORTABLE Illegal Motions by Zoe Dawson (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

PORTABLE Illegal Motions by Zoe Dawson (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

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Book description
Librarians Note: Alternate-cover edition for ISBN 9780990907527Holly Masters was once married to gorgeous, cocky quarterback, Clay Masters. But he’d betrayed her with another woman, although she never got him to admit it. Their divorce had been very public, but Clay has always been a sensual ache that has never gone away. Now with her new law degree under her belt, she’s been promoted to Player Liaison. It’s her job to do all the negotiations and Clay’s contract is up for renewal. But Clay is holding all the power and hes bold enough to use it. He wont sign until she gives it up to him one more time--hot, intimate, and out of control. Can Holly handle her ex and get the important signature on the contract or will she lose everything--including her heart?
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