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Bad Spellers Of The World . . . Untie! Unite! Are you a victim of text messaging, typing CU L8R instead of See you later? Do mysterious voices tell you to use their and there interchangeably? Dont know the difference between its and its? Have you often had to deal with, um. . . embarrassing vowel movements? Suffer no more--help is on the way! Meet Dr. Laurie E. Rozakis--professor, best-selling author, English expert, and reformed terrible speller. Having corrected the many errors of her ways, she has a mission: to convert even the worlds worst English speller into an incredible spelling machine. Like a ketchup stain on your best suit, bad spelling can instantly ruin a first impression. In fact, poor spelling can hold you back--in school, in your career, and even in your personal life. Great spelling, on the other hand, boosts confidence and success. I Before E Except After C can save even the most alphabetically challenged. In this entertaining, indispensable guide, anyone whos forgotten--or never learned--their way around English can quickly get up to speed. Youll discover: The top 50 most misspelled words and how to fix them 50+ hard words thatll immediately power up your spelling IQPainless step-by-step exercisesMemory joggersHow a celebrity superstar and a U.S. Vice President trashed their reputations with lousy spelling. . . And much more!Using amusing quizzes, humorous tests, and MadLibs-type exercises, I Before E Except After C will help you get into perfect spelling shape. Its never too soon--or too late! Dr. Laurie E. Rozakis earned her Ph.D. in English and American Literature from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. A full professor of English at Farmingdale State College, Dr. Rozakis has published over 100 books, including The Complete Idiots Guide to Grammar and Style, The Complete Idiots Guide to Creative Writing, Vocabulary for Dummies, and The Portable Jewish Mother: Guilt, Food, and . . . When Are You Giving Me Grandchildren? Dr. Rozakis frequently appears on television, including Live with Regis and Kelly, The CBS Morning Show, Good Day, New York, Metro Relationships, and Fox Personal F/X. Her career and books have been profiled in The New York Times, the New York Daily News, Time magazine, and the Chicago Tribune. Did you just end your last memo to your boss CU L8R? If youre alphabetically challenged, youre not alone. Thanks to miracles of technology like the Blackberry, instant messaging, and e-mail, a staggering number of people today cant spell. Terrible spelling can be hazardous to your career . . . maybe even your love life. But the tragedy that is lousy spelling can easily be averted. Enter Dr. Laurie E. Rozakis, professor, author, and spelling goddess. In her book, I Before E Except After C: Spelling for the Alphabetically Challenged, she can teach any mere mortal how to wrestle the spelling monster--and win!
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