PORTABLE Hussein: An Entertainment by Patrick O'Brian text mp3 price free apple

PORTABLE Hussein: An Entertainment by Patrick O'Brian text mp3 price free apple

PORTABLE Hussein: An Entertainment by Patrick O'Brian text mp3 price free apple

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Book description
Of this early work, published when he was in his early twenties, Patrick OBrian writes in a foreword: In the writing of the book I learnt the rudiments of my calling: but more than that, it opened a well of joy that has not yet run dry. The story is about a young mahout—or elephant handler—his childhood and life in India, and his relationship and adventures with elephants. As a boy, Hussein falls in love with a beautiful and elusive girl, Sashiya, and arranges for another of her suitors to be murdered with a fakirs curse. The dead mans relatives vow vengeance. Hussein escapes and his adventures begin: snake-charming, sword-fighting, spying, stealing a fortune, and returning triumphantly to claim his bride. All of this is set against an evocatively exotic India, full of bazaars, temples, and beautiful women—despite the fact that OBrian had never been to the East when he wrote the story.
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