PORTABLE Hacking Work: Breaking Stupid Rules for Smart Results by Bill Jensen (Goodreads Author) epub online free

PORTABLE Hacking Work: Breaking Stupid Rules for Smart Results by Bill Jensen (Goodreads Author) epub online free

PORTABLE Hacking Work: Breaking Stupid Rules for Smart Results by Bill Jensen (Goodreads Author) epub online free

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Book description
Why work harder than you have to? One manager kept his senior execs happy by secretly hacking into the companys database to give them the reports they needed in one third of the time. Hacking is a powerful solution to every stupid procedure, tool, rule, and process we are forced to endure at the office. Benevolent hackers are saving business from itself. It would be so much easier to do great work if not for lingering bureaucracies, outdated technologies, and deeply irrational rules and procedures. These things are killing us. Frustrating? Hell, yes. But take heart-theres an army of heroes coming to the rescue. Todays top performers are taking matters into their own hands: bypassing sacred structures, using forbidden tools, and ignoring silly corporate edicts. In other words, they are hacking work to increase their efficiency and job satisfaction. Consultant Bill Jensen teamed up with hacker Josh Klein to expose the cheat codes that enable people to work smarter instead of harder. Once employees learn how to hack their work, they accomplish more in less time. They cut through red tape and circumvent stupid rules. For instance, Elizabeths bosses wouldnt sign off on her plan to improve customer service. So she made videotapes of customers complaining about what needed fixing and posted them on YouTube. Within days, public outcry forced senior management to reverse its decision. Hacking Work reveals powerful technological and social hacks and shows readers how to apply them to sidestep bureaucratic boundaries and busywork. Its about making the system work for you, not the other way around, so you can take control of your workload, increase your productivity, and help your company succeed-in spite of itself.
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