PORTABLE Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino bookstore access selling online ebay

PORTABLE Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino bookstore access selling online ebay

PORTABLE Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino bookstore access selling online ebay

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Book description
When her lover is imprisoned, Christa—a centuries-old harper—must set her free using the greatest weapon she possesses: musicIn ancient Ireland, Chairiste Ní Cummen, a harper, was trained in the secrets of music and magic, but her curiosity and pride trapped her and her lover in the realm of the fairy folk, the Sidh. Chairiste alone managed to escape, and now, living in the modern world as Christa Cruitaire, a quiet harp teacher, she is all but resigned to her inability to win her beloved’s freedom . . . until she discovers that the volume and violence of the electric guitar and heavy metal might prove brutal enough to forcibly breach the barriers between the human and fairy worlds. With the aid of her bandmates—who must themselves overcome inner demons of abuse, addiction, and prejudice—Christa is determined to use her newfound musical power to rescue the woman she loves.Audacious and heartfelt, Gossamer Axe is an entirely original hero’s journey, an ode to the power of music and the human spirit alike, charged with rapier-sharp social commentary.
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