PORTABLE Friendship According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney fb2 online

PORTABLE Friendship According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney fb2 online

PORTABLE Friendship According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney fb2 online

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Book description
After the holidays, Humphrey is shocked by a big surprise in Room 26-a new class pet! Humphrey tries to be welcoming, but Og the frog doesnt respond to any of his friendly squeaks or visits (remember, he has a lock-that-doesnt-lock). Plus, the students are so interested in Og, they almost stop paying attention to Humphrey altogether. Humphrey doesnt like the mad-bad-sad feelings hes had since Og came, but luckily he still gets to have adventures with different kids on the weekends. Friendship can be tricky, but Humphrey is an intrepid problem-solver. If any hamster can become buddies with a frog, he can. Praise for The World According to Humphrey:
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