PORTABLE Fire Birds (The King Of Clayfield, Book 3) by Shane Gregory (Goodreads Author) audio txt doc flibusta free

PORTABLE Fire Birds (The King Of Clayfield, Book 3) by Shane Gregory (Goodreads Author) audio txt doc flibusta free

PORTABLE Fire Birds (The King Of Clayfield, Book 3) by Shane Gregory (Goodreads Author) audio txt doc flibusta free

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Book description
For weeks, the town’s museum director has fought the undead and has believed that he was Clayfield’s sole survivor. But when odd things begin to happen, it becomes clear that other healthy people are around. A friend shows up unexpectedly full of trouble and secrets, and they are not alone. Another group of survivors brings even more secrets and conflict.And then there’s Bruce, the new guy in Clayfield. Bruce likes the zombie apocalypse just fine. He gets to be the person he could not be before the outbreak. He is in Clayfield looking for fun, but his brand of fun could destroy the town.Enemies must tolerate each other out of necessity, and friendships are tested. One person in the group of survivors knows something that the others do not: The rumors are true; something bad is definitely coming to Clayfield, and there could be no way to stop it and nowhere to hide. “Shane Gregory has an engaging writing style that draws you in, comfortably, until you cant back out of the scary, driving climax.” - Briar Lee Mitchell, author of Apparitions
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