PORTABLE Finding Everett Ruess: The Life and Unsolved Disappearance of a Legendary Wilderness Explorer by David Roberts pc read value kickass francais

PORTABLE Finding Everett Ruess: The Life and Unsolved Disappearance of a Legendary Wilderness Explorer by David Roberts pc read value kickass francais

PORTABLE Finding Everett Ruess: The Life and Unsolved Disappearance of a Legendary Wilderness Explorer by David Roberts pc read

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Book description

Book description
Im not sure what to make of this book. The story of Everett Ruess might be interesting; maybe the authors way of telling it was just boring. Or maybe my irritation was with Ruess himself: his selfish entitlement in demanding his parents financial support of his wanderings for four years, his pedantic descriptions of the wonders he encountered in his travels, his racist attitude toward the Navaho people, his cavalier destruction of ancient artifacts and wildlife sacred to the Native People. And who cares whether he was hetero-, bi-, or homo-sexual. He did come in contact with celebrities of the Great Depression Era, like Edward Weston, Muir and Dorothea Lange. Maybe thats why he has his own web-page, even though hes been dead for 75 years where you can buy a coffee cup with his photo. And why did I find this young mans tragic story so annoying? Everett Ruess reminded me of so-called friends/leeches in my youth in the late 60s/early 70s who professed to be too artistic to work a straight job and felt entitled to ask their financially-struggling friends to support their lifestyle until they made it. You read it and decide.
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