PORTABLE Family Baggage by Monica McInerney (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

PORTABLE Family Baggage by Monica McInerney (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

PORTABLE Family Baggage by Monica McInerney (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

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Book description
Harriet Turner knows all about journeys. She’s arranged hundreds of them for her family’s travel agency. Now Harriet is joining her adopted sister, Lara, to lead a group through the Cornish countryside. But when Lara fails to appear at the airport as planned, Harriet finds herself in uncharted territory and suddenly alone with a busload of eccentric seniors. As the tour wends its way through the picturesque landscape, Harriet must uncover her sister’s whereabouts and confront long-held family secrets involving Lara’s arrival twenty-five years ago . . . not to mention keeping track of more baggage–real and emotional–than she ever expected.
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