PORTABLE Envoy: A Captain Sulu Adventure by L.A. Graf original free offline view ios

PORTABLE Envoy: A Captain Sulu Adventure by L.A. Graf original free offline view ios

PORTABLE Envoy: A Captain Sulu Adventure by L.A. Graf original free offline view ios

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Book description
This is the most personal and introspective of the three audio originals starring the awesome George Takei as Capt. Sulu.This time, the master of the USS Excelsior is by himself when hes chosen to be the custodian of a Prince thats being offered in a very ritualistic peace treaty between two exotic warring races. Sulu goes through an emotional roller coaster as he tries to comprehend the customs and reasoning of said ritual.Theres also some action, thanks to a dissident group that (wait for it) doesnt think peace is such a good idea.I think Envoy is more immersive than the other two Sulu audio originals. Transformations is also very immersive, but I think Envoy is better written and more Star Trek-y. Im glad I listened to Envoy for last. It has left a good impression of Capt. Sulu in me.
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