PORTABLE Elizabethan and Jacobean Style by Timothy Mowl epub ibooks ipad

PORTABLE Elizabethan and Jacobean Style by Timothy Mowl epub ibooks ipad

PORTABLE Elizabethan and Jacobean Style by Timothy Mowl epub ibooks ipad

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Book description
From the accession of Elizabeth I in 1558 to James Is death in 1625, a delayed Renaissance swept England and pervaded the domestic architecture and interiors of the day. Far from taking on a purely Italianate style, however, a peculiarly English form emerged, which was not only to be expressed in the great houses, the castle-palaces of the period, but also in the smaller houses of town and country. This splendidly illustrated book shows not only the magnificence of the architecture of Elizabethan and Jacobean houses, through specially commissioned photography, but also plunders the great pattern books of the time to reveal the roots of the often wild elaboration of the period. In both architecture and furnishings, Classical detail was constantly fused with a Tudor vernacular. Thus it is that during the age that brought the great flowering of the English language in the work of Shakespeare, Jonson, and the King James version of the Bible there also emerged a truly English style of architecture and decoration that has had a romantic appeal ever since. So strong was the appeal of this style to the Victorians that they were to christen it Jacobethan and incorporate it into numerous houses of their own period in England and America. Timothy Mowl looks at the fascinating social and cultural history of the time and the way that it is reflected in contemporary furnishings, interiors and architecture, he discusses the revival of chivalry, the proliferation of masques and entertainments, and the creation of gardens as extensions to the house. His lively and enjoyable text creates a narrative against which the book parades a wonderful array of images.
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