PORTABLE Dont Put That in There!: And 69 Other Sex Myths Debunked by Aaron E. Carroll download book how download view library

PORTABLE Dont Put That in There!: And 69 Other Sex Myths Debunked by Aaron E. Carroll download book how download view library

PORTABLE Dont Put That in There!: And 69 Other Sex Myths Debunked by Aaron E. Carroll download book how download view library

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Book description
People have more access to medical information than ever before with an abundance of printed and online resources, and yet we still believe facts about our bodies and sexuality that are just plain wrong. Dont Put That in There! takes on these myths and misconceptions, and exposes the truth behind some of those weird and worrisome things we think about our bodies, such as:•The average penis size is seven inches•Squeezing breasts is all fun and games•You shouldnt have sex before the big game•Anal sex will give you cancer•Two condoms are better protection than one•Pubic hair doesnt turn gray•Sex can give you a heart attack•Only men have wet dreams •You cant break your penis •You can run out of spermWith the perfect blend of authoritative research and a breezy, accessible tone, Dont Put That in There! is full of enlightening, practical, and quirky facts that will debunk some of the most perennial misconceptions we believe about sex and sexuality.
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