PORTABLE Dodge and Burn by Seraphina Madsen download fb2

PORTABLE Dodge and Burn by Seraphina Madsen download fb2

PORTABLE Dodge and Burn by Seraphina Madsen download fb2

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Book description
We were told that our mothers life was terminated by killer bees while vacationing in San Marcos, Mexico, with Dr Vargas at his family home.After her mother dies in bizarre circumstances, heiress Eugenie Lund is abducted by Dr Vargas, a charismatic Svengali-like figure who educates her according to his own philosophy, an esoteric blend of anthropology and psychiatry. Isolated from outside influences, Eugenies life is spent on the run across North America and Europe, existing on the fringes of society, always trying to keep one step ahead of her past. Taking in Mexico, Las Vegas, and the underground rave scene, Dodge and Burn is a psychedelic road trip recounted in beautifully crafted prose that pulses with frenetic energy.Inspired by the likes of Carlos Castaneda and Hunter S. Thompson, this is an exciting, iconoclastic debut novel from a remarkable new voice.
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