PORTABLE Doctor Who: Vanishing Point by Stephen Cole francais ebook access online offline

PORTABLE Doctor Who: Vanishing Point by Stephen Cole francais ebook access online offline

PORTABLE Doctor Who: Vanishing Point by Stephen Cole francais ebook access online offline

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Book description
Good one! Very well paced plot, even if there were 7 or 8 too many cliffhangers. Literal cliffhangers. As in--people hanging from cliffs (and *plot twist!* falling off them occasionally). I loved all the local characters and the Doctor and Co. were well portrayed. The message about the disabled people and the souls was fantastic and wonderfully thought-provoking. (Though perhaps its a bit awkward that the disabled people literally didnt have souls.) The bad guy was gross but not particularly scary. The final showdown was less intense than the car crash. If this is a world in the distant future then why is it basically 2001 + hovercars and vid screens? Little bit uninventive. If you love the Doctor, you should read it.
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