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Its a small world after all resonated in my head as I read this novel. All of the main characters seem separated by six degrees. Every ones story is some how intertwined and even if they are unaware, they are all somehow tangled in the same web off drama. Interestingly enough, this novel does not pick up exactly where Unconditionally Single left off. It creatively takes us a few weeks prior and follows through from other characters point of view. Jada Diamonds playboy son Darius Jones is the focal point of this installment. Without him the drama that unfolds would not be possible but that doesnt mean it is all his fault. Surprisingly, Darius and Fancy are happily married. Besides occasionally receiving oral sex on the side Darius is actually deeply in love with his wife and more committed to her than he has ever been to one woman. They have sole custody of Darius and Ashlees son DJ and are more content then ever planning to have a second wedding to renew their vows. Every element of their happiness is put in jeopardy when a hit and run driver rams their car into oncoming traffic causing a t-bone collision, that leaves Fancy in a coma. Unbeknownst to Grant, Honey is pregnant with his twin boys. Once he started getting serious with Jada he demanded that Honey never call him again and she stubbornly obliged. She finds refuge in Valentino whom is there for her throughout her entire pregnancy. He is so elated to finally have a chance with her that he proposes marriage and even plans to raise the boys as his own. Honey accepts the engagement ring but is not in love with Valentino. She looks at him as a best friend and only loves him as such. They attend Velvets movie premiere in which Grant and Jada are also present when all of the sudden, Honeys water breaks. . . and all hell breaks loose. Velvets boyfriend proposes, Grant asks Honey if she is pregnant by him, and Jada gets the phone call informing her Fancy is in the hospital. Darius asks his mother to watch DJ while he stays at his wifes bedside, praying that she wakes up. Jada is so busy chasing behind Grant trying to keep him from Honey that she repeatedly makes lousy decisions regarding her grandson. First she leaves him with her unfamiliar personal assistant Bambi, then she actually calls his mentally unstable mother to come watch him for the weekend. It quickly becomes clear that everyone and everything comes second to her watching Grant like a hawk. Rather then focus on her family when they need her most she would rather spend her time smacking, yelling at, and persuading Grant to be with her. The self-imposed ruin of Jada Diamond Tanner is absolutely disheartening and downright painful to read. Same as in Unconditionally Single, this Jada is definitely not the Jada weve grown to love but more like a silly, selfish, naive, younger woman. She says it best herself, The lack of my ability to control Grants actions and reactions made me lose self-control. With the media exploiting the massive amounts of drama and Jada handing off DJ to his mother without a care, Ashlee sees this as the perfect distraction to kidnap her son and go forth with legally receiving physical custody. Ashlee doesnt truly want to nor can she even care for her son properly, she is just dead set on hurting the men who have hurt her. Jay Crawford remains in prison after Ashlee falsely accused of rape, she also moved into the house across the street from his and spies on his girlfriend and son daily. Ashlee is still crazier then ever but shockingly her old school mate Bambi has her beat. Bambi is the root of all evil, a straight certifiable psychopath. She offed her parents and plans for Darius wife to be her next victim. She has been infatuated with Darius since the sixth grade and literally pulls every trick in the book to claim the man she believes is destined for her. Being Jadas assistant gives her unlimited access to private information about all of the characters and with the millions she inherited from her parents death no expense is ever spared when it comes to following Darius around the country, or on wigs, clothes, body shapers, or high tech spy gadgets. When it comes to orchestrating each and every well planned out misdeed Bambi works diligently on disguising herself and transforming into several completely different women so that she can be in room full of people who know the real her yet not be recognized. Bambi is the epitome of extreme craziness and has a hand in every misfortune in this novel, including the kidnapping of Honey and Grants newborn twins. If you havent read the Honey series from the beginning then you are sure to be confused when certain situations are referenced. This is also the last installment of the Soul mates series, but most importantly one would need to have read the complete Honey Diaries to get the most from this novel. Mary B Morrison claims this is the last book for both series, but Im not so sure. Although all of the women in this series become fools after falling for a man, these story lines serve as valuable lessons for readers. Self love is the most important type of love, sometimes what you want isnt what you need, and you cant manipulate a man into loving you for long, are just a few. I highly recommend this series, each installment is better than the last.
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