PORTABLE Curious Naturalist (National Geographic) by Jennifer L. Ackerman read pc link english iBooks

PORTABLE Curious Naturalist (National Geographic) by Jennifer L. Ackerman read pc link english iBooks

PORTABLE Curious Naturalist (National Geographic) by Jennifer L. Ackerman read pc link english iBooks

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Book description
In tours of nine North American ecosystems ranging from backyards to woodlands, mountain peaks to sandy shores, a diverse group of experienced naturalists show how to approach nature with a trained eye. Special features include: hundreds of photographs and dozens of specially commissioned watercolor paintings that illustrate the rich array of plants and animals, and their exquisite adaptations to the world we share with them; detailed drawings for easy-to-make tools such as a pond viewer and a home barometer. Step-by-step instructions for pressing and mounting plants and making casts of animal tracks; and expert explanations of simple field techniques such as recording animal sounds and calculating the distance of a thunderstorm.
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