PORTABLE Clit-ology: Master Every Move from A to G-Spot to Give Her Ultimate Pleasure by Jordan LaRousse (Goodreads Author) fb2 online free

PORTABLE Clit-ology: Master Every Move from A to G-Spot to Give Her Ultimate Pleasure by Jordan LaRousse (Goodreads Author) fb2 online free

PORTABLE Clit-ology: Master Every Move from A to G-Spot to Give Her Ultimate Pleasure by Jordan LaRousse (Goodreads Author) fb2

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Book description
Clit-ology is a savvy guide to a womans most intimate geography and how men can work it for her pleasure as well as his own. Filled with techniques for getting her wet, wild, and orgasmic, Clit-ology addresses myths and mysteries surrounding her secret garden such as “Can a woman really become revirginized if she doesnt have sex for a long time?”, “Why does it take a woman four times as long as a man to climax?”, and “How does a womans internal anatomy change during arousal and intercourse?” Written by Jordan LaRousse and Samantha Sade, founders of the top erotica site Oysters & Chocolate, Clit-ology gives real-gal advice on what gets women to “OH, yes!!” This book demystifies the pussy with a combination of sexual techniques, vagina lore and trivia, andreal-gal advice about what turns them on “down there.”
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