PORTABLE Blankets and Throws to Knit: Patterns and Piecing Instructions for 100 Knitted Squares by Debbie Abrahams value pdf full mp3 book

PORTABLE Blankets and Throws to Knit: Patterns and Piecing Instructions for 100 Knitted Squares by Debbie Abrahams value pdf full mp3 book

PORTABLE Blankets and Throws to Knit: Patterns and Piecing Instructions for 100 Knitted Squares by Debbie Abrahams value pdf full

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Book description

Book description
Start with a choice of 100 different blanket squares; create up to a dozen unique afghans! From an eye-popping Candy Mixture to the pastel perfection Queen of Hearts, from a babys blanket to colorful motifs embellished with beads and buttons, each design combines a variety of techniques and textures in sumptuous yarns. Fabulous close-up photos of each square, plus one of the finished project, show off these knitted treasures in glorious detail.
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