PORTABLE Beyond Coincidence: Amazing Stories of Coincidence and the Mystery Behind Them by Martin Plimmer online link pocket kickass eng

PORTABLE Beyond Coincidence: Amazing Stories of Coincidence and the Mystery Behind Them by Martin Plimmer online link pocket kickass eng

PORTABLE Beyond Coincidence: Amazing Stories of Coincidence and the Mystery Behind Them by Martin Plimmer online link pocket kickass

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Book description
A little girl writes her name on a balloon and lets it go only for it to land in the backyard of another little girl with the exact same name. A man is killed by a taxi while riding his moped and one year later to the day his brother meets his fate at the hands of the same taxi carrying the same passenger while riding the same scooter. A woman buys two lottery tickets in two states, the winning numbers for each happens to be the numbers she bought for other. Its hard not to think that there must be something more to it. That there must be a pattern. That some higher force is holding all the cards.Coincidence is the name we give such events. This world is a vast infinitely complex machine constantly churning out strange and unlikely occurrences. If a thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters are left long enough eventually youll end up with the works of Shakespeare. Every day you encounter a dozen unlikely events, but its only the ones that strike you personally that really hit home. Running into a stranger on the bus is normal and unremarkable, but if that stranger happens to be your long lost brother then you stop and take note. Coincidences are powerful and mesmerizing things, made all the more so by their personal nature. The strangest thing about coincidences is that as soon as you start looking for them you are bound to find them.This is a book detailing some of the strangest and unlikeliest of actual events and the science of what might be causing them.A very interesting book.I recently finished reading Wreck of the Titan, a book infamous for its at-times down to the number similarities to the sinking of Titanic. Fourteen years before it happened. Having read that book, the similarities are spooky at times, but largely I felt it was coincidence. From there I felt like reading up on some other similarly bizarre occurrences. One look at this book and I knew Id found my match.Dont let the light nature of the material fool you, this is a very well researched book. Detailing only verified and interesting occurrences across history, this book is perfect for those looking for a few interesting anecdotes and tales to entertain yourself with. Also included are scientific and probabilistic explanations of what makes a coincidence work. Fascinating reading material, but I cant help but feel that statisticians must be real downers at parties.A highly entertaining read that will delight those with an interest or even those just looking for a few good stories to share.***Reading Challenge 2015: A nonfiction book***
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