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PORTABLE Between Two Wolves by Stroker Chase (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

PORTABLE Between Two Wolves by Stroker Chase (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

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Book description
Another wolf enters their territory. Can Alicia tame another wolf, and keep the one she loves?An erotic romance (MFM/9,000 words) involving two werewolves sharing a girl. After Alicia finds a werewolf in the woods, her paranormal book club just doesnt light the same old spark in her. Sneaking off into the woods, she lets the wolf use her, dominate her, until another wolf enters the forest. A feud develops between the two. A feud that can only be broken until they learn to share her.This is the sequel to Werewolf Sex Club, but can also be read as a stand alone story.
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